iPhone Conversation with Meagan…

[01/09/2007 11:53 AM] FozzieBurt: Not a joke this time. iPhone/Wide Screen/Touch Screen Video iPod just announced at MacWorld by Steve Jobs!
[01/09/2007 11:53 AM] MEAGANCBC: what
[01/09/2007 11:54 AM] MEAGANCBC: show me a link!
[01/09/2007 11:54 AM] FozzieBurt: No pics yet, just a live blog from MacWorld. Go to: http://www.tuaw.com/2007/01/09/macworld-2007-keynote-liveblog/
[01/09/2007 11:54 AM] FozzieBurt: Scan down to 9:40 PT and read up. from there
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