Twitter is Tweet

I’ve starting using a new Web 2.0 service. is a micro-blog. Limited to 140 characters that can be written on the website, through several standalone apps (like Twhirl) or delivered through an SMS message, Twitter allows you to blog the mundane parts of your life. You can also follow other twitterers, personal friends, local people or celebrities.

I’ve starting using a new Web 2.0 service. is a micro-blog. Limited to 140 characters that can be written on the website, through several standalone apps (like Twhirl) or delivered through an SMS message, Twitter allows you to blog the mundane parts of your life. You can also follow other twitterers, personal friends, local people or celebrities. Barak uses Twitter, Leo Laporte uses Twitter and Matthew Constant uses Twitter. I follow Leo and Matthew among others. I get to know about the less public parts of their lives. Leo’s last twitter was to let his “followers” know that he was stuck at a car dealership waiting for a repair because someone stuck screws in the cigarette lighter socket. Ready to try Twitter, go to and setup an account. If you do, be sure to follow me ( and I’ll do the same. Still don’t understand it’s purpose, check out this video ( It may help but until you use it you won’t really “get it”.